Two Top Tens at Regionals

What a week. First I got all my poultry entries into the Interstate Fair. It starts Aug 6th and I had to have them all entered before I left for Mississippi. Tuesday Mom and I went to bed at about 3pm after the Truck and Trailer were all packed. We got up at 1am, wrapped the horses legs and hit the road.

We drove all night in the cool night air to make it easier on Ice to adjust to the difference in Temps and Humidity. We got to Tunica about 9am and did all our check in paperwork and got Ice settled into his stall. He lost alot of weight on the trip but he did better then when he went to State. Progress in the hauling department is all we can expect and as long as it is getting better we can’t ask for more. We let him have all the water and Hay he wanted to help get his weight back up.

We checked into our Hotel and found that some of the other contestants were staying at the same place we were so I left good luck notes on their trucks each night. I also took the time to make each person from Oklahoma a good luck sign for their stalls. I even made Ice is own sign about his name and how he got it.

I took time to take in some of the events. I saw all kinds of things from English jumpers to Horse Judging contests.

That evening I took time to ride and work Ice in the cool …

The next day we had to get down to business. I practiced in the morning and fit in some more riding and then at 2pm my events started.

I think I Rocked the 4-H roping events because I was only one of 5 kids to catch all four head. This competition had almost 800 kids gathering from states that Included Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Virginia. I was not only the underdog (one girl actually called me that to my face) when it came to my age but as it turned out I was also the littlest one in size in my events as well. On top of the heat and humidity I had to deal with the fact that some of the other Competitors were 19 yrs old and starting their freshmen year of College. Many people gave he encouraging words like “It’s your first year and a tough competition, so just do your best.” or “I didn’t win anything my first year so don’t worry just have fun” At the start of the competition no one really considered me or my little horse to be much of a challenge. At one point I just looked at Mom and said simply “I didn’t come this far not to bring home a win for Oklahoma” With a Large 20 foot box and 170lb calves in the chutes it was any one’s game and most of the competitors were flat out run before they even left the box. Knowing that I would have an accumulative time in both events I decided it was best to be consistant and take the extra steps and make sure I caught. I competed first in the Break away roping where due to placement drawing my two head where only 4 head apart not leaving time for me to even water my horse in between. All though I didn’t take 1st through 3rd I did finished out the Break away with a very nice ribbon and the honor of being in the top ten in that event. When it came time to compete in the Tie down event everyone was hot and tired and having to work for every second they got. Again the size of the box and the calves were not in my favor but dispite everything, I managed to rope my next two head and bring home a nice ribbon and have the honor of placing in the top 10 again.

That night not only did I take part in the parade of states but I did it with my head held high and two top 10 wins under my belt for the Oklahoma 4-H. I would say I didn’t do to bad. I had alot of fun and made a ton of new friends.

That night there was a dance and I had fun but I hit the hay early so that the next morning I could go visit a call duck breeder that lived only 2 hours away.

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